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All Northwest Football Camp in the news... (Click Headline to View)


"Plunkett, Stabler, Biletnikoff - Top Pros at Football Camp" - 1974

      “Plunkett, Stabler, Biletnikoff - Top Pros at Camp.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 1974.   Accessed Jan. 2016


" 'Shorty' Bennett conducts grid camp"  - 1977

      “Shorty Bennett Conducts Grid Camp.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 1977.,5123259&hl=en

        Accessed Jan. 2016


"All Northwest Football closes today" - 1982

       “All Northwest Football Closes Today.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 1982.    Accessed Jan. 2016


"Former Camper Makes Good -- All Northwest Camp's Didier a Super Success Story" - 1983

       “Former Camper Makes Good--All Northwest Camp's Didier a Super Success Story.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 1983.     Accessed Jan. 2016


"ANFC - Seahawks' Ken Easley Returns" - 1985

        "All Northwest Football Camp Seahawks Ken Easley Returns.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 1985.    Accessed Jan. 2016


"Federal Way Ace Saves His Best For Notre Dame" - 1990

         Ringer, Sandy. "Federal Way Ace Saves His Best for Notre Dame." [Seattle] 1990: n. pag. Print.
    Accessed 22 Oct. 2016


"Pats Delay of Game Bewilders Bledsoe" - 1992

         Blanchette, John. "Pats' Delay of Game Bewilders Bledsoe." Spokesman Review n.d.: n. pag. Print.
   Accessed June 2016


"Patriots' Bledsoe is a Role Model"  - 1995

         White, Dick. "Patriots Bledsoe Is a Role Model." Standard-Times [Boston] 1995: n. pag. Print.

    Accessed 22 Oct. 2016


"All Northwest Campers Cradle Lofty Expectations" - 1995

          “All Northwest Campers Cradle Lofty Expectations.” Spokesman Review, 1995.

     Accessed 22 Oct. 2016


"The Cradle of QBs is the Pacific Northwest"

         Wright, Gary. "The Cradle of QB's Is the Pacific Northwest." N.d. Gameday Insider.
  Accessed 22 Oct. 2016


"Star-studded All Northwest Football Camp Revolutionized Football" - 2009

         Abbott, Ian. “Star-Studded All Northwest Football Camp Revolutionized Football.” Ellensburg Daily Record, 2009.       Accessed 23 Oct. 2016



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